You have questions
We Have Answers-
Q:I've been arrested, what should I do?
A:First, remain silent. Just because you are arrested, it does not automatically mean charges will be filed against you. Staying quiet, however, is the most important decision you can make If you are ever questioned by police, do not give a statement. Be polite, calm, and state, “I am choosing to remain silent, I want a lawyer.” Once any statements are made, those admissions can very well be enough to have the case filed. Do not consent to searches, this too allows officers to do anything they want to your property and you, and by giving them consent you make their jobs even easier. Once you are arrested, it is true the police no longer need your permission or a warrant to search–they are allowed to search your person and what is within your immediate control–however, they still will need your permission or a warrant to search certain things, for example a cell phone, so, never consent to a search when the officers ask for your permission. Never flee or run–this makes things worse–additional charges can be added, and worse you can be hurt–tased, shot, beat, you name it. Once in a holding cell, stay quiet as well. Anyone can be a snitch and the jail cell or even the backseat of the patrol car could be wired for sound–save the conversations with your lawyer, which are confidential and cannot hurt you. Also, once you are out, do not post about your case on social media. District Attorneys, City Attorneys and yes police monitor social media–and what you say or WRITE can and will be used against you.
Q:How do I bail out of jail?
A:Once arrested and jailed, there is a process allowing the person arrested to get released from jail. The accused may be released from jail for exchange of money–hence BAIL. A promise of property also works as a promise you will return to Court for all hearings. You cannot miss a court date when released on bail. If you make all court dates your bail is refunded to you whether you are found innocent or guilty. The bail amount depends on the jurisdiction where you are arrested and the Judge. Other factors that decide how large the bail amount is is the seriousness of the crime, your record and previous or current bench warrants. A judge can also release the accused without the requirement of posting bail–called being released on your own recognizance (“OR.”) If you cannot afford bail–or have no property to post, you can hire a bail bonds agent. A bonds agent promises to pay the full amount of bail to the court if you do not show up to Court, thus the bonds agent will have to find someone responsible for paying any costs they have to incur to track you down. In exchange for posting the full bond, the bonds agent will ask you to pay about eight to ten percent of your bond which is NONREFUNDABLE. So why hire a bonds agent? Because you can get out of jail for far less then paying the full bail amount. Your attorney will have a trusted bonds agent, so do not forget to contact your attorney if you are interested in bonding out of jail.
Q:I have my first court appearance - what should I expect?
A:The first Court date is called the arraignment. That is where an accused will enter a plea (not guilty, guilty or no contest), bail and release can be determined, and a future court date is set: either a pretrial or in a felony case, the preliminary hearing. You will also be advised of your Constitutional rights and know your specific charges. In most misdemeanor cases, your attorney can make the appearance on your behalf without you having to be present. If you are charged with a felony, there are essentially two arraignment hearings –one occurs at the very start of your case. The second occurs after the preliminary hearing. If you are in custody, you MUST be arraigned within 48 hours (not including weekends or holidays). Once you enter a plea of not guilty, you have the right to a speedy trial. In a misdemeanor trial, a speedy trial must be done within 45 days unless your defense requests a delay. If you are in custody, the trial must be done within 30 days, unless your defense requests a delay. In a felony case, you have the right to a preliminary hearing within 10 days of your arraignment. After your preliminary hearing, you also have an “Information Arraignment,” in which case you have the right to trial within 60 days of this second arraignment.
Q:So what is a preliminary hearing?
A:The DA presents evidence and witnesses to the alleged crime–and the standard to determine if there is enough evidence to justify holding the defendant to answer for the alleged crime. The Defense has the opportunity to cross examine all witnesses and even call their own witnesses. By the end of the hearing the Judge must determine if there is enough evidence to allow the case to enter the next stage of the proceeding (information arraignment) before the matter is set for trial. If there is insufficient evidence presented at the preliminary hearing, the Judge will dismiss the case.
Q:I got my first DUI, what should I do - what can I expect?
A:Hire an attorney if you can afford one. DUI law is not always straight forward–there are many defenses and scientific evidence that can prove essential in getting your DUI reduced or dismissed. A skilled attorney can challenge your case in a variety of ways, from the validity of the stop, to the reliability of the alcohol tests. To get a DUI, the state must prove that you were driving a motor vehicle, and under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or had a BAC of .08% or higher at the time of driving. If you are convicted of a DUI, and it is your first one, and there was nobody who was hurt or injured you could expect to receive typically 3 years of informal probation; DUI school ranging from 3 to 9 months (typically 3 months), A fine of around $2000 depending which county you are arrested in and a 6-month license suspension, with the possibility of a restricted license after 30 days from the DMV. A first offense DUI in California is typically a misdemeanor crime unless someone is seriously injured or dies. A person charged with DUI is entitled to a jury trial before being convicted in court, as well as a hearing at the DMV before a license suspension is imposed. At trial the prosecutor must show that you were driving while under the influence of alcohol, you performed poorly on field sobriety tests and you had objective symptoms of intoxication like bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, a smell of alcohol on your person etc. A breath or blood test indicated the person had a BAC at or above .08. 1st-time DUI charges can be reduced to a lesser offense (such as a “wet” reckless or a dry reckless, or exhibition of speed and in some cases get the case dismissed altogether.
Q:What should I do if I am pulled over for a DUI?
A:As mentioned before, exercise your right to remain silent. If the officer asks you how much you had do drink, stay calm, polite and state, “officer are you arresting me or may I go free?” Do not lie, if you have been drinking it is likely there is a smell of alcohol or you drove erratically–but remember everything you say is in the police report. Admitting how much you had to drink makes the police’s job easier, and denying drinking anything could make you seem like a liar later in the court proceedings. If they want you to do sobriety tests, you may politely refuse, for even sober people fail those tests. You should not refuse a blood, urine or breath test–by doing so, the DMV will suspend your license for one year and the penalties against you in court could be greater. PLEASE NOTE: If you have multiple DUI convictions, and are at risk for being charged with a felony DUI with priors you may consider refusing the chemical test and sacrifice your license for a year rather then face felony charges and possible prison time.
Q:The police NEVER read me my rights - case dismissed, right?
A:Wrong. Please note, the police do not have to read you your rights–the law requires them to do so before they QUESTION you about your involvement in the crime. If you are interrogated, and you are not Mirandized, then any statements you make can be challenged and thrown out in court.
Q:Should I hire an attorney or go with the public defender?
A:Public Defenders are licensed attorneys who have a lot of knowledge and experience. They are assigned to your case, and unfortunately you cannot chose who is the one representing you. Typically public defenders have a very heavy case load–they handle a lot of cases every single day. They usually do not give the time to update their clients on what is happening on their cases, and if you do not like your public defender you cannot not request a new one. You also cannot talk to your public defender before your arraignment–you usually will meet them at arraignment–thus discussions about bail, a case strategy before you even walk into the courthouse does not happen. The Public Defender does a valuable and important service of representing those who cannot afford hiring an attorney. If you can afford an attorney, hire a skilled, capable defense firm that listens to you and forms a strategy you will be comfortable with. Your attorney should fight for your rights, and give you comfort that you are receiving the best representation possible.
Q:I have been in an accident, what should I do?
A:If you have been involved in an accident there are certain steps you should take to make sure you are properly compensated for your damaged property, medical bills and injuries. Always make sure to gather as much information as you can about the other party. This includes vehicle descriptions, license plate number, insurance information, and contact information. Be certain to gather the contact information for any witnesses because many people leave the scene of an accident believing the other party has accepted responsibility only to find out later that the other party is actually placing you at fault. Also take photos of the scene, damage to all vehicles involved, and the individuals involved. If there is a police officer on the scene, get his/her name, badge or I.D. number, and contact information. This information will be useful when attempting to obtain the police report. These are just a few things to keep in mind to streamline the handling of your claim. Below is a list of common most common questions we receive regarding personal injury claims.
Q:I have been hurt in an accident, what do I do?
A:First and foremost, seek medical treatment. This might include emergency care, urgent care, or a visit to your physician. It is a good idea to see a doctor in the abundance of caution because you could be injured and not know it right away. Once you are diagnosed, map out and consistently follow the physician’s plan for recovery. Remember, the main goal is to ensure that you recover from your injuries. Sometimes this requires physical therapy and or chiropractic treatment. Unfortunately, most insurance adjusters will not properly evaluate your injuries without tangible proof that you sustained and suffered from a particular injury.
Q:Why should I hire an attorney, can't I just handle my claim myself?
A:The short answer is yes, you can handle your personal injury claim yourself, but it is never a good idea. Remember, the insurance company is there to represent the best interest of their insured. This means they will sometimes try to deny liability for your property damage, minimize your medical expenses, or outright deny your claim for bodily injury compensation. Personal injury law is complex and requires an experienced professional to analyze every factor involved in your case to ensure your rights are protected. This is why it is important to hire an experienced personal injury attorney with an in depth knowledge of the law to secure the best possible outcome for you and your family.
Q:How do I know who is at fault?
A:Understand that determinations of fault are not always clear or consistent. For instance, a responding officer might deem you or the other party at fault, but the officer’s opinion is not binding upon the insurance company. Even if the insurance company determines you to be at fault, you might still be able to recover. This is one of many reasons you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney who can thoroughly investigate the case in order to support and document who is truly at fault. When at the scene, avoid volunteering your opinion about who is to blame for the accident. You might think you were at fault and later learn that the other driver is as much or more to blame than you are for the accident. Keep in mind, statements you make about the accident could be used against you at a later time.
Q:What is a recorded statement and should I give one?
A:A recorded statement is the insurance company’s way of memorializing the various accounts of what happened during an accident. These statements will also involve questions regarding your injuries. Keep in mind that any statement you provide the insurance company can be used against you. Therefore, you should consult an experienced personal injury attorney before providing any statements.
Q:My child has been arrested how can I make sure their record remains clean?
A:It is always difficult to watch a child suffer, and having your child arrested is not any easier. The system considers anyone under the age of 18 as a child. Children are not held in jail–but held in juvenile hall. There is a different system in place for juveniles that focuses on rehabilitation rather then punishment. There are also certain crimes that render a child unfit for the Juvenile system, and thus the child could be tried in the adult system in serious circumstances. That is why it is so important to hire an attorney with actual experience in juvenile practice. The justice system for children is very different than the adult justice system, thus an attorney for your child should have actual experience in defending children. As soon as a child is arrested an experienced attorney knows the tools necessary in getting your child informal options that can include community service, staying out of trouble, going to school every day without issue, counseling and other less stressful avenues to avoid juvenile Court. If a child does end up in Court, most crimes charged are sealable, and not strikes but a child will be placed on probation for a period of six to twelve months, with progress reports done in the Court. If a child performs well without issue, a child can have their records sealed and thus not public–a skilled attorney is essential in this process to make sure the juvenile court recognizes and rewards the child’s good behavior and terminates probation.
People v. AA Case Dismissed
Client was arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault and criminal threats.
People v. AC Probation With No Jail Time
Client had an extensive prior felony record and was charged with sales of methamphetamines after officer’s claimed they witnessed a hand to hand sell.
People v. Allen Not Guilty of All Charges
This client was charged with assaulting a neighbor with his car.
People v. Barron Not Guilty of 1st Degree Murder/Attempted Murder
Mr. Barron was charged with 1st degree murder and attempted 1st degree murder after shooting his niece and her boyfriend.
People v. C. Johnson Not Guilty of All Charges
Mr. Johnson was charged with commercial burglary. Due to his prior record, he was facing a maximum exposure of 9 years in state prison.
People v. Claiborne All Charges Dismissed
Mr. Claiborne was charged with residential burglary, a strike after he was identified by a neighbor as one of the individuals leaving a property with an armload of property.
People v. Confidential Not Guilty of All Charges
This client was charged with a DUI after crashing into several vehicles in a Ralph’s parking lot in Glendale.
People v. D. Johnson All Charges Dismissed
Mr. Johnson and his friend were charged with residential burglary and criminal threats, both strikes, after a neighbor identified him as the man she saw break into her house and threaten her and her family.
People v. DC Case Not Filed
Client was arrested for domestic violence after striking his then significant other.
People v. DE Probation and No Jail Time
Client was charged with felony commercial burglary after entering a high-end designer store.

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